
When Writing An Education Resume

2014-09-11 by admin

Whether you are applying for a teacher position or an administrator, you will need to present an education resume to your prospective employer. You will also need to show why you are the most qualified applicant for the position. Here are some tips you may find helpful.

Not Just About the Money

It is important to stress a burning desire to teach. Also, mention how interested you are in student achievement and success. The school administrators will want to see that you are not teaching for the paycheck, but for the love of teaching.

Mention what your teaching philosophy is. For example, you might teach art and you wish to establish a lifelong appreciation in art. You also may wish to help aspiring young artists make their dreams come true. Talk briefly about your style of teaching, and why it is successful.


Make sure you mention all of your certifications and any kind of awards, in the presentation. These things can be very important for your qualifications. This includes things like community service and volunteer work. An educator that is active in the community, is a very desirable quality for most learning institutions.

Do not forget to mention things done while in college. For example, a teacher applying for a journalism position should mention any kind of journalist awards. Do not forget summer jobs at newspapers, and working on college publications.

A teacher that is applying for a position in industrial arts should mention any kind of experience in that field. This may include summer jobs at industrial businesses. Do not forget to mention any kind of vocational training or certifications, also.

Another important part of achievement is accomplishments in the classroom. Mention things that your students have achieved, under your guidance. Perhaps you have helped many students raise their total grade average. Try to find something that you can place in the form of a statistic. This will give your accomplishments a little more validity.

Professional Looking Presentation

It is very important to have a professional looking presentation. Most learning institutions hold educators to much higher standards than other kinds of positions. You should proofread everything several times. Read aloud as you proofread, and look for any unnecessary words or phrases. A long and drawn out presentation may be seen as inefficient or disorganized.

Active Writing

It is best to keep all of your sentences in active form. In other words, avoid passive phrases like, “Has experience in teaching special education students fundamental reading skills.” Instead, you may wish to write, “Has taught fundamental reading skills to special needs children.” This will make your writing look professional.


When you write your education resume, let the reader know that you care about teaching. Most administrators want teachers that are not simply interested in receiving a paycheck. In your “achievements” section, mention everything that you feel is pertinent. Do not forget things like summer jobs, and any kind of community work. Bring attention to any important accomplishment with your students, too. Try to make your presentation look professional. Proofread it several times, and try to avoid passive sentences.