
How To Select A Professional Resume Writing Service

2015-11-12 by admin

How To Select A Professional Resume Writing ServiceHow To Select A Professional Resume Writing Service

The competition is real. The desire and need to impress hiring managers is almost palpable. But what can you do if your writing skills are way below average? Rather than have your application rejected on the basis of poor grammar, it’s far much better to hire a professional resume writing service to carry the burden on your behalf. But how do you go about selecting such a writer? Well, here’s how;

a.)Ask for referrals and recommendations from your close colleagues/ friends.

There is no easier way of making sure that you have the best professional resume writing service in your circle than by asking for recommendations from your successful colleagues and acquaintances. This way, you’re saved from the hassle of having to ‘test the waters’ with both feet since most of the time such writers already have proven track records, some even spanning over a decade or two. At the same time, you will be saving yourself from the inconvenience of hiring an incompetent writer or one who is not experienced enough to capture your career strengths in the best way possible.


Contrary to what most people think, the best professional resume writers are certified and recognized as intellectual proprietors. Yes, hiring a professional to do the job for you might sound sneaky or unethical, but there is a registered independent body that recognizes and certifies such ‘corporate mercenaries’. So even as you struggle to land the best writer for your upcoming job placement make sure you ask them about their CPRW certification and whether or not they are a member of the Professional Association of Career Coaches and Resume Writers.

c.)Ability to customize a template or write a fresh one from scratch.

Truth be told, there exists only a handful of writers who can write a masterpiece resume from scratch without copying or referring to other samples. But that shouldn’t be a problem since most of the time paraphrasing is actually more vital in writing resumes than sheer creativity. But even with that being said, ideally professional resume help should be in a position to blend or mesh together several pieces to create one outstanding piece without replicating the exact verbiage in a freely available sample.

Bottom line.

After all is said and done, have it at the back of your mind that resume writers are not necessarily placement specialists. Yes, they might help you piece together a grammatically sound and a professionally-toned CV, but it is up to you to draft the final resume to make sure it reflects your skills and proficiency as accurately as possible.

If you need to know more about how The Resume Builder can help you with having a professional resume visit our resume writing page.