
How To Use Free Resume Templates To Land Your Job

2015-10-30 by admin

Resume Cover Letter

How To Use Free Resume Templates To Land Your Job.

It is arguably the dream of every job seeker out there to come across a resume template that matches their qualifications exactly and reflects their career strengths as well as they would do it themselves. Not only would it save it from the arduous and painstaking task of compiling a great resume, but it would also free up your schedule and allow to concentrate on other more important tasks. Unfortunately, however, that rarely happens in real life. That’s why you need the following tips when it comes to using free resume templates.

a.) Look for sample resumes from your field or a related niche.

The mistake many job seekers make when it comes to selecting and using free resume templates is picking the first one that they come across. And most often that not such a template will be as basic and generic as the next. So in a bid to save time, they will end with such an unimpressive resume that barely paints them in the right professional image. That’s why it is advisable to look for sample resumes written with regards to your field or one that is closely related to it. This way, you will still retain the professional jargon related to your career and at the same time save a few precious hours.

b.)Use the templates but still form your own sentences.

A free professional resume template should only be used as a guide and not as a replacement for your own input. Remember that since the resume is freely available, anyone, including your employer can easily access it and use it. And the last thing you want is having a CV that looks exactly the same as that of another competing candidate. In fact, you could even be accused of plagiarizing someone else work. Instead of using a template as it is ( word for word) it is far much advisable to go through as many templates as you can, then formulate a uniquely crafted piece based on what you’ve gathered from the samples.

c.)Commit due diligence in making sure your resume stands out.

Some websites offer resume templates as a free download.But most will have more features in a paid version to download.After getting a feel of how a well organized resume should read like, take a few minutes to blend ideas from various templates to come up with a unique piece of literature that will place ahead of the crowd. It only after then that a hiring manager will feel compelled to read past the first few lines of your resume.

At the end of the day, even as you scour the web for worthy resume recipes, remember that a template should only inspire you and not define you.

If you like  to know more about the all the free resume templates on site visit The Resume Builder Resume Templates Page.